Automated List Updates

The Client: HIP Housing

HIP Housing is a leader in providing creative affordable housing solutions for people in San Mateo County. For more than 40 years, HIP Housing has demonstrated its strong commitment to helping people in San Mateo County to live better, more independent lives. HIP Housing is uniquely knowledgeable about San Mateo County, and uses that expertise to further its affordable housing and human potential mission on behalf of families and individuals in need.

The Challenge:

HIP needed to do a waitlist update at one of their California properties. Historically, these updates were done through manual outreach efforts and tracking information in excel. These updates had no formal timeline and could sometimes last months. Staff and management loathed doing list updates, as they were very time intensive, and were very generally dissatisfied with their process.

The Solution:

HIP Housing used Haven Connect's automated list update solution to run their latest list update. Leveraging Haven's communication dashboard, all applicants were engaged en-masse via email/text/letter by HIP staff with prompts to update their application details digitally. The property manager used a dashboard in Haven to track respondents and process denials.

The Outcome:

  • HIP Housing saw a 42% response rate in the first week; 80% final.

  • Staff time spent on update: 2 hours

  • Staff time saved: ~58 hours

  • Total inbound queries: 5

  • Value of time and money saved: $1,800

  • Staff satisfaction: Extremely high (ask for a reference!)

Going forward, HIP Housing will put their waitlist updates on auto-pilot with Haven Connect and never worry about another purge again!